Quick-and-Easy Initial HA Configuration

You can quickly set up two stand-alone devices into an HA system, by loading the same ini configuration file with special parameters to each device. This ini file contains basic configuration that identifies the devices by MAC address and applies the configuration accordingly.

To quickly set up two devices for HA:
1. Make sure that the License Key installed on both devices includes the HA license (see Viewing the License Key).
2. Obtain the MAC address of each device. The MAC address is displayed on the Device Information page (see Viewing Device Information).
3. Prepare a single ini file with the following configuration:
Parameters relating to the first device ("local"):
HALocalMAC - specifies the MAC address
(Optional) HAUnitIdName - defines a descriptive name
(Optional) HARevertiveEnabled - enables the HA Preempt feature
(Optional) HAPriority - defines the priority of the device if the HA Preempt feature is enabled
Parameters relating to the second device ("remote"):
HARemoteMAC - specifies the MAC address
HARemoteAddress - defines the HA Maintenance interface address
(Optional) HARemoteUnitIdName - defines a descriptive name
(Optional) HARemotePriority - defines the priority of the device if the HA Preempt feature is enabled
InterfaceTable - defines the IP Interfaces table with two network interfaces for the following Application Types:
OAMP + Media + Control: This is the same for both devices.
HA Maintenance: This is the Maintenance address of the device whose MAC address is the value of the HALocalMAC parameter.

An example of a configured ini file is shown below:

HALocalMAC = '00908f737a89'
HAUnitIdName = 'Device_1'
HARevertiveEnabled = 1
HAPriority = 6
HARemoteMAC = '00908f594667'
HARemoteAddress =
HARemoteUnitIdName = 'Device_2'
HARemotePriority = 4

[ InterfaceTable ]
FORMAT Index = ApplicationTypes, InterfaceMode, IPAddress, PrefixLength, Gateway, InterfaceName, PrimaryDNSServerIPAddress, SecondaryDNSServerIPAddress, UnderlyingDevice;
InterfaceTable 0 = 6, 10,, 16,, "Voice",,, "vlan 1";
InterfaceTable 1 = 99, 10,, 24,, "HA",,, "vlan 2";
[ \InterfaceTable ]
4. Upload the file to both devices (see Loading an ini File to Device).
5. To test your HA system, perform an HA switchover (see Initiating an HA Switchover).
If the HA Preempt feature is enabled, the device with the highest priority becomes the active unit. If the HA Preempt feature is not enabled, the first device to upload the file becomes the active unit, or if both upload the file simultaneously, the device with the "highest" IP address becomes the active unit.
When configuration is applied to the device whose MAC is the value of the HARemoteMAC parameter, all HA configuration is swapped between local and remote parameters, including the IP address of the Maintenance interface, which is swapped with the address configured for the HARemoteAddress parameter.